
Looking to find community? The Graduate Student Organization Series features profiles of social, professional, and affinity groups for graduate students to help you expand your personal and professional communities. This article features the Black Graduate Student Association (BGSA). Read on to find out how you can get involved!

By Chava Nerenberg, Graduate Programming Assistant
Tuesday, April 20th, 2021 - 8:15am

Looking to find community? The Graduate Student Organization Series features profiles of social, professional, and affinity groups for graduate students.

This article features the the Black Graduate Student Association (BGSA).


The Black Graduate Student Association at UC Santa Barbara (BGSA) provides social resources and academic support to meet the needs of Black graduate students. BGSA is committed to mentorship, research, and service while also focusing on an inclusive environment where all students at UCSB can thrive.


BGSA's most common events are General Body Meetings, where members come together to socialize, share ideas, and discuss what BGSA members need from each other. Overall, BGSA activities usually fall into one or more of three types:

  • Social: to advocate in support of individual students and the Black community as a whole at UCSB.
  • Academic: Events like the Celebrating Black Scholarship symposium highlight the different kinds of research Black students are doing.
  • Advocacy: to advocate in support of individual students and the Black community as a whole at UCSB.


BGSA meets biweekly (every other week) during the school year, with occasional additional events during the school year and summer. Stay up to date on meeting times through the BGSA website, social media, and email list (listed below). Send a note to to sign up for the email list!






mariah webber: President

Azi Jackson: Vice President

Jacquelyn Chin: Secretary

Felicity Stone-Richards: Treasurer

Timnit Kefela: Outreach Chair

megan spencer: Community Service Chair

Jordan Victorian: Social Media Chair

Learn about all of the organizations in the series and be sure to subscribe to the GradPost for the latest updates!

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