Career & Tools

This course provides students within STEM disciplines a foundation in science communication practices. Students will learn how to craft scientific stories that are accurate, realistic, and compelling. Read on for more info!

By Chava Nerenberg, Graduate Programming Assistant
Tuesday, March 2nd, 2021 - 10:00am

Why does the public understand some scientific ideas better than others? What makes a research proposal irresistible to a funder? How should scientific professionals respond to misrepresentations of science?

Join Doug Bradley from the UCSB Writing Program for a spring quarter course on Science Communication (Writing 259). Science communication focuses on enhancing the delivery, understanding, retention, and engagement of scientific information for various target audiences, particularly the general public. This course provides students within the scientific, engineering, technological, and mathematical (STEM) disciplines a foundation in science communication practices that explain, persuade, describe, and entertain. Coursework focuses on composition, public speaking, graphics designs, and numeric representations for creating effective written works, talks, podcasts, blogs, videos, press releases, policy briefs, posters, and reports about scientific topics. Students will learn how to craft scientific stories that are accurate, realistic, and compelling.

For more information, download the course flyer.