Career & Tools

UCSB's Graduate Simulation Seminar Series (GS^3) is hosting a career panel on Friday December 10th at 10-11am PST over Zoom. Read on to learn more!

By Graduate Division Staff
Monday, December 6th, 2021 - 4:00pm

UCSB's Graduate Simulation Seminar Series (GS^3) is hosting a career panel on Friday December 10th at 10-11am PST over Zoom.

Four recent PhD graduates will be there to answer your questions about finding a job, career paths, work-life balance, etc:

  • Dr. Jacob Monroe (PhD UCSB 2019) currently a postdoctoral researcher at the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) in Gaithersburg, MD.

  • Dr. Nikolai Petsev (PhD UCSB 2017) currently working as a researcher at Systems and Technology Research (STR) in Arlington, VA.

  • Prof. Wes Reinhart (PhD Princeton 2019) currently an assistant professor in the department of Materials Science and Engineering and an Institute for Computational and Data Sciences faculty co- hire at the Pennsylvania State University.

  • Dr. Wennie Wang (PhD UCSB 2018) currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering in the University of Chicago.

The GS^3 arranges an annual set of summer seminars, in which graduate students and postdocs from across the university can present their computational research to a diverse audience of their peers.If you are interested in joining the GS^3 mailing list, please email