
Since the election of Donald Trump, the U.S. has witnessed an outpouring of protest activity. Hahrie Han (UCSB Political Science) will discuss how protest effects political outcomes and what this means for protest activity today.

By Nicole Poletto, Professional Development Peer
Thursday, April 27th, 2017 - 1:56pm

Since the election of Donald Trump, the U.S. has witnessed an outpouring of protest activity. What does social science research tell us about the conditions under which protest influences political outcomes? What does this mean for protest activity today?

Understanding Protest and Resistance in the Trump Era
​Tuesday, ​May 2
TIME: 4 p.m.
VENUE: Pacific View Room, Library, Ocean Side, 8th Floor
*Reception to follow*

Hahrie Han, Department of Political Science, specializes in the study of collective action, social change, and democratic revitalization, particularly as it pertains to social justice and environmental issues.

This event is sponsored by the UC Santa Barbara Library and the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor.