Career & Tools

If you couldn't make it to the May 14 workshop on creating the seven secrets of highly successful research students, have no fear! Here are some resources from the event for those who missed out. Hugh Kearns covered topics such as advisor-student relations, getting your student to seek help when they are stuck, and keeping on going when things get tough.

By Daina Tagavi, Professional Development Peer
Tuesday, June 5th, 2018 - 3:41pm

If you couldn't make it to the May 14 workshop on creating the seven secrets of highly successful research students, have no fear! Here are some resources from the event for those who missed out. All materials are courtesy of workshop facilitator Hugh Kearns.

The course gave ​advisors (such as faculty members and postdoctoral researchers) practical strategies to deal with common challenges such as:

  • supervisor/student relations
  • dealing with writer's block
  • attitude (or lack thereof!) in relation to the research higher degree (RHD) - it's not a Nobel prize
  • getting your student to seek help when they are stuck
  • the student who never has enough time
  • treating the RHD like a job
  • keeping on going when the going gets tough

For more specific information, please see the workshop materials:

Seven Secrets Slides
Student Advisors Handout
Seven Secrets Handout
Expectations in Supervision Handout
Agenda for Supervision