Career & Tools

The UCSB Library's DREAM Lab is a hosting an introductory workshop in creating Quarto documents with R Studio. Learn how to combine code, analysis, and data together to create a more efficient, organized, and integrated research project.

By Michael Roysner, Graduate Programming Assistant
Tuesday, December 5th, 2023 - 11:53am

Data carpentry

The UCSB Library DREAM Lab is hosting a two-day workshop on Dec 11-12 from 9am-12pm.

RStudio makes it possible to work on a complete research project in a more efficient, integrated and organized manner--from data upload, cleaning, and analysis to writing and styling a manuscript in Quarto. This workshop will involve lectures and demos alternating with hands-on exercises, so by the end of the workshop you will have “authored” a reproducible paper of your own with the data and narrative provided.

Experience in R/Rstudio is recommended but not required. Experience, if not familiarity, with using your Unix Shell Terminal, and Version Control with Git is required. You will need a Github Account to fork and pull the example repo. For this workshop, you may use the Jupyter Hub Instance that LSIT has setup with the software and packages preinstalled.

Please use your UCSB NETID to sign into the Jupyter Hub here. Once you have signed in, click the RStudio Launcher button. You do not need to follow the setup instructions below if you plan on using the Jupyter Hub Interface rather than RStudio on your own computer

You will need the following software for this workshop if you choose to NOT use the Jupyter Hub Instance:

1. Install Git

2 . Install R & Rstudio (two separate installation: if you are on a windows device, you may need Rtools)

3 . Install Quarto CLI (version 1.3.4)

4. Install Packages (bayesfactor, tidyverse, bookdown, patchwork)